Welcome To Thomas Kuepper -Builder-

Fine home building is a process similar to one of New England’s most historic activities, sugaring. With care, forethought, and a lot of hard work, sap harvested from sugar maples can be transformed into a natural and refined liquid gold. Building carefully constructed homes is much like the process of producing maple syrup, through working raw materials like wood and stone, and employing years of technical skill and knowledge, a team of craftspeople can together create a wonderfully warm, personal, and beautiful place to call home.

My experience and commitment to working with local and sustainable natural materials compliments a steadfast focus on incorporating innovative building practices.  Managing communication with clients and architects while overseeing the overall building program is a valued trademark.

Long-standing relationships with the area’s most competent and innovative sub contractors, architects and designers allow me to outfit, maintain, and protect your investment, thus allowing client’s peace of mind. Our company mission is to produce environmentally efficient, innovative, and thoughtfully constructed homes, and forge long-standing, trusting relationships with our clients.


Thank you for visiting the site,

Tom Kuepper